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EEchain Optronics Corp.
6F., No.105 Lide St., Jhonghe District 235 NEW TAIPEI CITY TAIWAN
Best view 800x600
Company | PROWAVE ENGINEERING,INC | TEL | 886-3-5210504 | FAX | 886-3-5210571 | E-MAIL | info@prowavegroup.com | WEB SITE | www.prowavegroup.com | CONTENTS | In any endeavor, the final results of failure or success of long term business for technical products depend on one basic prerequisite; the dedication, the quality, and professionalism of the people involved!
With this foremost in mind and a goal of better technical services to our customers, the Prowave Engineering, Inc. was founded in July of 1989. Now Prowave having 3 offices are located at Hsinchu, Taichung, and headquarter of Kaohsiung to cover the market of North, Middle and South parts of Taiwan.
Prowave has assembled a group of outstanding and skilled technical experts (H/W, S/W, System, Sound & Vibration Technology) in the related fields of Computer Aided applications. Main founders worked for Sound & Vibration Team of ITRI, whose education and experience encompass a broad range of practice and theory | PRODUCTS